Printed from fritiden.seThe cabin site of Sweden
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Cottages 35 m to lake Runn

Rent this cosy cabin with 6 beds in Falun, Dalarna

The Cottages are ideally situated on a secluded and peaceful island on lake Runn. This lake is on of Swedens top fishing grounds with an abundance of pike and bass. Lake Runn is also ideal for various water sports such as canoeing and kajaking. Within the surr
ounding area there are 80 ilands and many of them uninhabitated makeing them ideal places for overnight camping.
Access to a easier motorboat is included in the rent ( 9500 for each cottage) of the cottage, More advaced motorboats can be arranged 1.Tracker V 16 Laker with 40 hp:s engine, elektric motor with gps, sonar etc. total price with cabin = SEK 14 000 2. Large aluminium boat with 60 hp engine, deep rigs etc total price with cabin = SEK13 000, the nearest marina is Staberg approximately 1 km away. If you are travelling by public transport and do not have access to your own car, we can arrange to pick up and drive you out to the marina at Staberg which is 10 km from the nearest town Falun

This object has these conveniences:

  • Separate bedrooms
  • TV or TV/video
  • Satellite dish
  • Fireplace
  • Cooking possibilities
  • Microwave oven
  • Refrigerator/freezer
  • Washing machine and/or drying cabinet
  • Shower and/or bathtub
  • WC
  • Composting toilet
  • Veranda/porch
  • Outdoor sitting area
  • Barbecue possibilities
  • Electricity/water cost included
  • Smoking indoors is prohibited
  • Pets are welcome

In the surrounding; distance to closest...

  • Grocery store (5 km)
  • Pharmacy (7 km)
  • Bank (6 km)
  • Restaurant (1 km)
  • Shops (5 km)
  • Liquor shop (10 km)
  • Night life (10 km)
  • Closest neighbour (200 m)
  • Forest (Outside the door)
  • Archipelago (Outside the door)
  • Beach (Outside the door)
  • Lake (Outside the door)
  • Bathing place (Outside the door)
  • Boat rentals (Outside the door)
  • Canoe rentals (Outside the door)
  • Football/soccer field (7 km)
  • Mini golf (10 km)
  • Fishing (Outside the door)
  • Hiking trail (2 km)
  • Horseback riding (10 km)
  • Bus station (10 km)
  • Bus stop (1 km)


Size information
Beds: 6 Living area: 80 m²
Rooms: 4  
Current pricing
High season: 9500 SEK/week
Low season: 9500 SEK/week
Available weeks
High season: 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Always send a rental inquiry through to confirm that the above weeks still are available.
Let by
Håkan och Inger Bergström
Videstigen 3
791 45 Falun
Phone: +46705183229
Email: Send a rental inquiry
Web site: Exists, link on
Håkan och Inger Bergström is responsible for the entire content in this ad. The object has number 13571 and the ad is last updated 2025-02-08 11:19:51.

Book today...before it's too late!
Send a rental inquiry through or call the landlord
Håkan och Inger Bergström at +46705183229.





Comments from some that already have rented/exchanged

5 stars - Totally fantastic, top class! 2019-07-15 21:10:54 by Mario Kriegenhofer
A great place to enjoy the swedish nature! We (3 couples ,30-33) rent this wonderful house for a week this jule and fully enjoyed your time there. Although the weather was partly not so nice you can still spend your time outside on the huge covered terrace. A large gas grill invites you to barbecue. In the evening we enjoyed the scenery at the campfire right next to the lake. The large boat we could use together for trips in the beautiful surroundings and for fishing. We were able to catch a lot of nice pike and perch. Hakan and Inger are two lovely people, they were always very helpful. We have been to many places in Sweden, but here it was certainly the most beautiful. We will come back in any case.

5 stars - Totally fantastic, top class! 2015-09-25 19:15:18 by Åsa, Per O Billie. Mollstedt
"Paradiset på en ö i sjön Runn" Vi har vid två tillfällen hyrt denna fantastiska stuga utav Håkan och Inger som är mycket trevliga och tillmötesgående. Huset är charmigt och läget är oslagbart. I hyran ingår en båt som både användes till fiske och utflykter. Mycket rofyllt och trevligt ställe att spendera semestern på. Vi kommer absolut att boka detta igen. Ett stort plus var att vi kunde ta med vår hund till stugan och som kunde springa fritt på tomten och bada i vattnet.

5 stars - Totally fantastic, top class! 2015-03-31 09:28:30 by Karl-Heinz Schürmann
Im Juli 2014 haben wir für 3 Wochen an diesem herrlichen Ort unseren Urlaub verbracht. Das Haus ist gemütlich eingerichtet und komplett ausgestattet. Jeden Tag sind wir vom eigenen Bootssteg aus im See geschwommen. Mit dem zugehörigen Boot haben wir den See auf längeren Touren erkundet und dabei unser Angelglück versucht. Wir haben uns hier sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Zeit verging viel zu schnell. Vielen Dank an die netten Vermieter für ihre Gastfreundschaft.***** Grüße aus Deutschland

5 stars - Totally fantastic, top class! 2014-06-01 20:35:59 by Anders Skot-Hansen
We rented this cottage one week in July 2013. Words cannot express how nice it is situated by the wonderfull lake. We had our best vacation ever. The owners are very nice people. Greetings from Denmark

5 stars - Totally fantastic, top class! 2014-06-01 20:35:06 by Anders Skot-Hansen
We rented this cottage one week in July 2013. Words cannot express how nice it is situated by the wonderfull lake. We had our besst vacation ever. The owners are very nice people. Greetings from Denmark

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