Have you rented/exchanged "100-årig kulturmärkt hus" (Objekt #16381) before? Now you can rate this object, comment and let others know what you think.
Keep this in mind when you are writing:
- Be specific but still concise (for. ex. "Nice cabin!" or "I love the house!" are not enough specified).
- Bad words or insults or of an object, advertiser/exchanger, or fritiden.se is not tolerated!
- Do not use the writing area to send visitors to other ads or Web sites. It is very rude to the advertiser/exchanger. Keep your opinion focused on the object that you rate (and/or your stay).
- Negative remarks about race, gender, religion and political/social groups are unaccepted.
- Do not write any direct questions or remarks to the advertiser/exchanger here but remember that what you write here is to help others who want to rent/exchange.
- Use your REAL name and REAL email address. (It is necessary in order to remove those who want to make statements, often negative, but rather not want to be responsible. Your email and phone will not be published anywhere. All ratings with obviously false names and/or email addresses will be rejected. For example, John Doe with john@doe.com is not accepted.) In conclusion, if you want to rate an object you have to stand behind your words.
- The information you enter below is stored so it's possible for others to see your review.
- fritiden.se reserves the right to accept or deny any rating that is inserted on this page.